Investment banking courses may take several forms, depending on where the course is being taught, what aspect of investment banking is being covered, and whether or not the training is focused on a degree or certification program. Some investment banking classes are taught in traditional classroom environments, hosted by universities, technical schools, or training companies. Other courses are taught online, using websites with audio or video to convey the lessons, information, and tests from the teacher to the students. For students whose schedules do not allow for regular training sessions, there are also self-study packages available for self-guided investment banking training.

An investment banking course will tend to focus on increasing the student’s depth of knowledge in a specific area of investment banking, or building the essential skills needed for productive financial data analysis and modeling.

The following topics are examples of the types of available investment training classes:

  • Introduction to Valuation Models
  • How to Avoid Common Valuation Models Mistakes
  • Financial Market’s Impact on Valuation Models
  • Types of Capital Structures
  • Basic and Advanced Financial Modeling using Excel
  • Corporate Valuation Methodologies
  • Leveraged Buyout Modeling
  • Analyzing 10K Forms
  • Mergers and Acquisition Deals

Investment banking courses can be found to suit any level of experience with the financial industry, from general introductory classes to advanced instruction in specified types of transactions, areas of the market, or specialized sub-disciplines of financial modeling.

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investment banking trainingInvestment banking courses and financial modeling training can open up new opportunities for rewarding and productive career paths in the financial industry. Most entry-level investment banking jobs are analyst positions, which are responsible for collecting data about markets and possible investments and, often times, fairly menial tasks. Analysts work with this data to produce predictions of market behavior or the performance of financial assets, and then provide recommendations based on these predictions to managers and associates. Analysts with several years of experience may be promoted to associates, where they may be responsible for developing client relationships, putting transactions together, coordinating research, managing analysts and other subordinates, and other tasks.

Graduates from recognized M.B.A. degree programs may also be hired directly into associate positions. Associates with several years of experience may be promoted to the managerial or director level, where they will make decisions to guide company policy, coordinate recruitment and promotions, and approve investments and other transactions.

Salary increases for investment banking jobs is also dependent largely upon experience and performance. Although wide compensation ranges exist depending on the firing firm, analysts generally are paid between $60,000 and $150,000 (including bonuses) during their first year, with this range increasing to $120,000 to $300,000 by the third year. An investment banking associate will generally make between $150,000 and $250,000, including bonuses, during their first year, and may be paid between $250,000 and $450,000 by their third year of experience.

A director may earn over $400,000 and many times over a million dollars per year with bonuses. Salaries above the director level in the investment banking industry are limited only by the success of the firm and the state of the market, providing an excellent incentive for motivated and hardworking finance professionals to advance their investment banking careers in this exciting and competitive field.

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Types of Investment Banking Courses

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Traditional Universities

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Selecting an Investment Banking Course

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Specialized Financial Modeling Courses

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Employer Provided Investment Banking Training

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